Home EPIQUANTI : Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) Computing

EPIQUANTI : Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) Computing

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NISQ Computing


Shor’s algorithm - how many qubits does it take to factor an integer ?

Textbook examples of quantum algorithm largely assume that qubits and gates are not subject to noise. In the absence of noise, to factor and integer ,ade of $1024$ bits takes about $2050$ qubits and over $10^9$ gates

In the presence of noise, quantum error correction has to be incorporated into the computation, adding a large overhead.

Fault-tolerant quantum computations of arbitrary length are not within reach of today’s technology (need qubits in the millions)

Algorithms for small number of qubits (in the $\sim100$) and limite coherence time will need to offload pre and post-processing to classical computers. Noisy Intermediate Scale quantum (NISQ) computed is thriving field of research:

  • $50-100$ qubits
  • Limited gate fidelity
  • Limited qubit connectivity
  • Limited correction capabilities $\to$ low depth circuit
  • Killer apps: simulate correlated matter, machine learning, optimization

Variational Quantum Algorithms

Variational Quantum Algorithms are a hybrird quantum-classical approach.

  1. Choose a good Ansatz $\vert\psi(\theta)\rangle$
  2. Design a quantum circuit that implements $\vert\psi(\theta)\rangle$
  3. Measure cost function $E_{\theta}=\langle\psi(\theta)\vert H\vert\psi(\theta)\rangle$
  4. Use classical optimizer to find optimal $\theta^{*}$

VQA consist of a quantum processor that can prepare quantum states belonging to a parameterized class ${\psi(\theta)\rangle}$ efficiently and an external loop (running on classical hardware) that optimizes its parameters

VQA: Inner routine

Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm

Combinatorial optimization

In general, combinatorial problems are very big so exhaustive search is not tractable.

There are many methods to tackle optimisation problems, such as Constraint Programming, Branch and Bound/Cut methods, and local search heuristics.

A specific NP-hard problem under consideration, known Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization Problem (QUBO), can be expressed a a local energy problem and therefore phrased as an Ising model. Given a set of spins $s_i = \pm1$, the foal is to find the configuration which minimizes the energy function.

\[H(s_1,\dots s_N) = -\sum_{i\lt j}J_{ij}s_is_j-\sum_{i=1}^Nh_is_i\]

Simulated Annealing

Heuristic algorithms are used to find approximate solutions to combinatorial problems that, while being suboptimal, are “good enough”. Simulated Annealing is a local search heuristic inspired by the physical process of thermal annealing.

SA performs local changes in the current candidate solution and checks whether the new candidate has lower energy. If it does, it becomes the leading candidate, if it does not, one may still accept the new candidate with probability, in the hope that it will help explore the space of solutions. This hill-climbing events become less liekly as the algorithm progresses, and they are controller by an effective temperature parameter.

Tunneling effect

Classicaly, particles with low energy will rebound upon collision with a high energy barrier.

In the quantum setting, it is possible for a low energy particle to pass through the energy wall. This is because quantum particles are not point-like, but rather like wave-packets.

Quantum annealing recap

Recall that in QA, an easy Hamiltonian is gradually


QAOA For MaxCut

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