Home IMED2: Introduction

IMED2: Introduction


  1. Introduction to Medical Imaging
    • What is medical imaging ?
    • Roles, Players, Modalities
    • Anatomical vs Functional Imaging
    • Ionizing vs Non-ionizing Radiation
  2. Nuclear medicine
    • Basic concepts


  1. X-ray Physics
    • Basic concepts
    • X-ray production
    • X-ray interaction with matter
    • X-ray detectors
  2. Diagnostic Radiology

GE Healthcare

+1800 employees

  • R&D ($35\%$)
  • Production ($22\%$)
  • European Center for Maintenance ($16\%$)
  • Support Functions & Other ($27\%$)


A recent history

  • 1895: discory of X-rays, first applications
  • 1958: First gamma camera, Nuclear Medicine
  • 1962: First UV of fetus
  • 1967: First CET head scanner
  • 1972: First head MR scanner
  • 1990: first PET scanner

  • 2000’s-2010’s: Digital Age
    • IA

What is medical imaging ?




Who are diagnostic imaging customers ?

  • Healthcar systemes, hospitals, and clinics
  • Governmnent officials
  • Pharmaceutical firms
  • Genetics & Bio-science researchers

Modalities overview

Ionizing vs non-ionizing radiation

Anatomix vs Functional Imaging ?

Contrast Agents

  • Iodine-based
    • Injected in the bloodstream to highlight blode vessels
  • Gaolinium-based
    • Vascular ferromagnetic contrast agent visible in MRI
  • Baarium-based
    • orally to help imaging digestive system, including esophagus, stomach and GI tracks

Radioisotope Contrast Agents

  • Tc-99m
    • Injected in the bloodstream to study brain, myocardium, thyroid, lungs, liver, gallblader
  • $^{18}$F-FDg
    • Mark the glucose metabolism

Nulcear imaging

Key components

Nuclear Medicine

Anatomical vs Functional Imaging

Gamma-rays Physics

Basics Concepts


Atomic Model

Characteristic Radiation

Product of electron transistions between 2 electric shells:

Two steps:

  1. Electrons (or photons) collid with a shell electron, which is removed from orbit
  2. Electrons from higher energy shell fills the vacancy and an X-ray photon is emitted

Exponential Behavior

Exponential decay/growth:

\[\frac{\Delta N}{\Delta t}=\pm\lambda N\\ \text{provided: }\lambda\Delta t\lt\lt1\\ \text{then: } N=N_0e^{\pm\lambda\Delta t}\]


Z-ray photon life span:

  1. Photon is transmitted through the matter
  2. Photon is absorbed (end of life)
  3. Photon is scattered ($E_{new}\le E$)

If $E_{new}\gt0$, then more A, B or C

Transmitted photons:

\[I(E)=I_0(E)\cdot e^{-\mu(E)\cdot t}\quad\text{Berr-Lambert lawa}\]

Isotopes Decay


  • IsotoPes = atoms with the same number of protons (Z)
  • IsotoNes = atoms with the same number of neutrons
  • Nuclides = nuclei with differing numbers of protons and neutrons are called nuclei
  • Radioisotopes = atoms with unstable nuclei
  • Sometimes the nucleus energy may eject an electron (ionized radiation $\sim12\%$) which deposes radiation dose to the patient

Example: $^{99m}{43}Tc\to^{99}{43}Tc+\gamma$

  • Since positron is an antimatter analog

Since the electron is removed from the shell, it releases characteristic X-rays




Ideal characteristics

Ideal Characteristics

  • Short-half life (but not too short)
  • Monochromatic Gamma-ray production
  • Gamma-ray energy high enough to easily cross patient body (deposing minimal dose)
  • Gamma-ray energy low enough to be stopped by the detector
  • Have minimal production of other particles (add noise to our measurements)
  • Localize to the organ of interest, non toxic, …
  • Inexpensive and readily available


  • Close to ideal characteristics
  • Decays with $88\%$ in emission of 140.5 keV photon
  • $12\%$ internal conversions (electrons, characteristic x-rays, …)

Transport Issues

Common Isotopes

Diagnostic Radiology


Gamma Camera

Nuclear Imaging $\Leftrightarrow$X-ray Imaging
Radioctive isotopeX-ray tube
CollimatorAnti-scatter grid
Gamma cameraX-ray detector
  • Nuclear Medicine detector also measures not only the number of events, but the time and energy of each detected event
  • Ideally imaging is performed from unscattered photons that undergo photoelectric absorption in the detector
  • Scintillator + Electronics must be very fast to detect individual events

Pulse Height Analyzer with Nal Crystal



  • Resolution = bar patterns, MTF, FWHM of point source, …
  • Sensitivity = fraction of gamma rays the pass through the holes (typically $0.01\%$)
  • Increasing blades/holes length: Res $\uparrow$, Sen $\downarrow$
  • Type (parallel, convergence, …) modulates Res & Sen
  • Increasing blades/holes

Clinical application

Single Photon Emission CT


  • Long decay isotope
  • Single photon emitted and captured by camera
  • Tomography technique generates 3D volume of radioactivity density
  • Multi-head cameras allows for faster acquisitions
  • Poor spatial resolution VS excellent contrast resolution
  • Noise is a major factor

Reconstruction (same as CT)

  • Filtered Back-Projection
  • Iterative techniques


Positron Emission Tomography


  • Positron emitter (F-18)
  • Two 511 kEV annihilation photons $180^o$ apart
  • No collimator needed




  • Exponential Decay, half-life
  • Isomeric Transition (Tc-99m), Electronic $\to$ gamma rays, SPECT
  • Beta-plus (F-18) $\to$ PET
  • Beta-minus $\to$ Therapy

Applications in medicine

  • Radiopharmaceuticals $\to$ fission, cyclotron, accelerators, generators
  • Gamma cameras, collimators
  • SPECT, single photon emission (gamma-rays: 70-400 keV) $\to$ orthopedics
  • PET, positron emission (511 keV) $\to$ oncology
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