Home MLRF: Lecture 03

MLRF: Lecture 03

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Agenda for lecture 3

  1. Introduction
  2. Finish lecture about local feature detectors
  3. Local feature descriptors
  4. Descriptor matching and indexing
  5. Projective transformations
  6. Homography estimation

A word about Divise clustering

HAC is bottom-up, divisive clustering is performed top-down

Classical approach:

  1. Start with all data
  2. Apply flat clustering
  3. Recursively apply the approach on each cluster until some termination

Pros: can have more than 2 sub-trees

Summary of last lecture

Global image descriptors

  • Color histogram
  • Limited descriptive power
  • Which distance function ?


  • K-means
  • Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering

Local feature detectors

  • Image gradients
  • Edge detector: Sobel, Canny
  • Corner detector: Harris
    • Large image gradient in 2 directions
  • Corner detector: FAST
  • Corner detectors: LoG, DoG, DoH
  • Blob detector: MSER

Nest practice sessions

Compute and match descriptors for max. 1 hour (from practice session 2)

Play with ORB keypoint mathcing to implement a simple AR technique (practice session 3)


How are panorama pcitures created from multiple pictures?

  1. Detect small parts invariant under viewpoint change: keypoints
  2. Find pairs of mathcing keypoints using a description of their neighborhood
  3. Compute the most likely transformation to blend images together

Local feature descriptors

Harris & Stephen conclusion

Harris-Stephens trick to avoid computing eigenvalues:

Thein filter using $\min(\lambda_1, \lambda_2)\gt\lambda$, $\lambda$ being a threshold

Build your own edge/corner detector

We need the eigenvalues $\lambda_1$ and $\lambda_2$ of the structure tensor (hessian matrix with block-wise summing)

dst = cv2.cornerEigenValsAndVecs(src, neighborhood_size, sobel_aperture)
dst = cv2.cornerMinEigenVal(src, neighborhood_size, sobel_aperture)

Harris summary


Translation invariant

  • Large gradients in both directions = stable points


Not so fast

  • Avoid to compute all those derivatives Not scale invariant
  • Detect corners at different scales

Corner detectors, binary tests FAST

Features from accelerated segment test (FAST)

Keypoint detector used by ORB


  1. Cascading
    • If $n=12$ ($\frac{3}{4}$ of the circle)
  2. Machine learning
  3. How to perform non-maximal suppression

FAST summary


Very fast

  • 20 times faster than Harris
  • 40 times faster than DoG

Very robust to transformations (perspective in particular)


Very sensitive to blur

Corner detectors at different scales LoG, DoG, DoH

Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG)

The theoretical, slow way

Laplacian = second derivative

Like sobel with 1 more derivation

Taylor, again:

New filter $I_{xx} = \begin{bmatrix}&1 &-2 &1\end{bmatrix} \times I$

Laplacian filter $\nabla^2I(x,y)$

Edge detector, like Sobel but with second derivatives

Laplacian of Gaussian

mexican hat

LoG = detector of circular shapes

LoG filter extrema locates “blobs”

  • maxima = dark blobs on light background
  • minima = light blobs on dark background

Detecting corners/blobs

Build a scale space representation: stack of images (3D) with increasing $\sigma$

Difference of Gaussian (DoG)

Fast approximation of LoG (Used by SIFT)

DoG filter

It is a band-pass filter

L’idee est : “est-ce que mes bosses sont comprises entre telles ou telles longueurs d’onde”

DoG filter


  • Gaussian (g) is a low pass filter

DoG computation in practice

Take an image

Blur it

Take the difference

DoG scale generation trick

  • “Octave” because frequency doubles/halves between octaves
  • If $\sigma=\sqrt{2}$, then $3$ levels per octave
  • Downsample images for next octave (like double sized kernel)
  • Compute the DoG between images

DoG: Corner selection

Estimate gradients

  • Similar to harris, look at nearby responses
  • Not whole image, only a few points! faster
  • Throw out weak responses

Find cornery things

  • Same deal, structure matrix, use dete and trace info (SIFT variant)

Determination of Hessian (DoH)

LoG vs DoG vs DoH

LoG, DoG DoH summary


Very robust to transformations

  • Perspective
  • Blur

Adjustable size detector



Blob detectors MSER

Maximally Stable Extremal Regions (MSER)

Detects regions which are stable over thresholds

  1. Create min & max-tree of the image
    • Tree of included components when thresholdinf the image ar each possible level
      • Le cerveau a une tumeur
  2. Select most stable regions
    • between $t-\triangle$ and $t+\triangle$
    • $R_{t*}$ is maximally stable iif $q(t)=\vert R_{t-\triangle}\text{\ } R_{t+\triangle}\vert/\vert R_t\vert$ as local minimum at $t^{*}$



Very robust to transformations

  • Affine transformations
  • Intensity changes

Quite fast


Does not support blur

Local fetaure detectors: Conclusion

  • Harris Stephens: can be very stable when combined with DoG
  • Shi-Tomasi: Assumes affine transformation (avoid it with perspective)
  • DoG: slow but very robust (perspective, blur, illumination)
  • DoH: faster than DoG, misses small elements, better with perspective
  • FAST: very fast, robust to perspective change (like DoG), but blur quickly kills it
  • MSER: fast, very stable, good choice when no blur


Given som keypoints in image 1, what are the more similar ones in image 2 ?


Matching problem

Need a distanceorm: depends on the descriptor

  • Distribution (histogram)? Stats?
  • Data type ?
    • Float, integers: Euclidean, cosine
    • Binary: Hamming

1-way matching

Symmetry test aka cross check aka 2-way matching

Ratio test

Calibrate the ratio

For each correct/incorrect match in your annotated database, plot the next to next closest distance PDF.

What is a good ratio in D. Lowe’s experiment ?

Geometric validation



Indexing pipeline

Use case: We have a database of images and we want to find an object from it

Bruteforce matching aka linear matching

Does not scale to large databases, but can be faster on small ones


binary tree in which every leaf node is a k-dimensional point

FLANN - Efficient indexing

  • Original version: hierarchical k-means
  • Construction: repetitive k-means on data (then inside clusters) until minimum cluster size is reached
  • Lookup: traverse the tree in a best-bin-first manner with backtrack queue, backtrack until enough point are returned

Locally Sensitive Hasing (LSH)

En fonction de quel cote notre separatrice se trouve par rapport au point, on met notre bit a 1 ou 0

Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH)

  • Fast and efficient with large spaces and lot of data
  • Return a “good match”, maybe not the best one
  • kNN can be costly

Which indexing ?

Advices for practice session:

Projective transformations

A linear transformation of pixel coordinates

Image Mappings Overview

Math. foundations & assumptions

  • For planar surfaces, 3D to 2D perspectives projection reduces to a 2D to a 2D transformation
  • This is just a change of coordinate system
  • This transformation is invertible




Notation: Partitioned matrices



More on projective transform

  • Each point in 2D is actually a vector in 3D
  • Equivalent up to scaling factor
  • Have to normalize to get back to 2D
  • Using homogrpahy to project point
  • Multiply $\tilde x$ by $\tilde H$


Homography estimation, Geometric validation

We want to recover H from keypoint matches

Recover the parameters of a perspective transform

How many correspondences are needed ?

Depends on the type of transform:

  • How many for translation ?
  • For rotation ?
  • For general projective transform ?

Linear system

Use Linear Least Square to solve $Ma=b$

Solve the system

How reliable is the estimate ?

Even worse

Is our data perfect ?

On a pas mal de bruit

Overcoming Least Square Limitations

  • We need a robust estimation

RANSAC: RANdom SAmple Consensus


RANSAC works well with extreme noises

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