Home PFEE : Presentation Sujet 4 Zeiss/EPITA

PFEE : Presentation Sujet 4 Zeiss/EPITA

Lien de la note Hackmd


  • Daniel Godin, ancien image
  • Simon Franchini, PhD et ingenieur


About Zeiss:

  • Founded in 1849
  • Leading actor in imaging solutions
  • 30000+ collaborators
  • Represented in 50+ countries

About Apeer:

  • Project part of the research for microscopy solutions department
  • Cloud based platform for image analysis

EPITA student project

  • ApeerML: automated ML segmentation platform
  • Processed > 100 different use cases in very different domains
  • Constantly improving automation in the development of degmentation algorithms

The challenge

The task

Reduction of memory footprint by separtion and merging within smaller spatial domain

Project organization and general setup

  • Project will be divided between Research and Implementation
  • Starts with state-of-the-art review of current solutions
  • Docker image ready with problem statements and Test images
  • Programming language: Python
  • Communication: English
  • Development on private Zeiss Github repo
  • Acces to experts in microscopy and image processing
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