Home SOCRA : Cours du 15 mai

SOCRA : Cours du 15 mai

Working with others

  • Avoid :
    • missing code files
    • ugly code naming
    • code deletion
  • Anticipate problems
  • Rules are required
    • Coding style
    • Code reviewal
    • Automated process

Software Craftmanship Basics

  • Quality : clean code, refactoring, tests, simple design
  • Humility : question yourself, countinously improvement
  • Sharing : pair programming, collective ownership of source code
  • Pragmatism : understand constraint, adapt !
  • Professionalism : treat your client as a partner

Design patterns

What is a design pattern ?

GoF : 24 patterns

Design patterns Creational

The singleton

- Singleton : Singleton
- Singleton()
+ getInstance() : Singleton
public class Singleton {
    private static readonly Singleton instance = new Singleton();
    private Singleton() { }
    public static Singleton Instance() {
        return instance;

Factory method

interface IFruit {
    int Price { get; }

class Cherry : IFruit {
    public int Price { get; } = 75;

class Apple : IFruit {
    public int Price { get; } = 100;

class Banana : IFruit {
    public int Price { get; } = 150;

enum FruitType {
class FruitFactory {
    private Dictionary<FruitType, Func<IFruit>> mapper;
    public FruitFactory() {
        mapper = new Dictionary<FruitType, Func<IFruit>> {
            {FruitType.Apple, () => new Apple()},
            {FruitType.Banana, () => new Banana()},
            {FruitType.Cherry, () => new Cherry()}
    public IFruit Create(FruitType type) {
        if (!mapper.TryGetValue(type, out var result)) {
            throw new Exception("No fruit with type {type}");
        return result();

Design Patterns Structural

Adapter (aka Wrapper)

interface IOAdapter {
    String Read();
    void Write(String message);

class ConsoleAdapter : IOAdapter {
    public String Read() {
        return Console.Readline();
    public void Write(String message) {


public interface IBananaDecorator : IFruit {
    Banana Banana { get; }

public class HandOfBanana : IBananaDecorator {
    const int factor = 4;
    public HandOfBanana(Banana banana)
        Banana = banana;
    public int Price => Banana.Price * factor;
    public Banana Banana { get; }
    public int Accept(IFruitVisitor fruitVisitor)
        return Banana.Accept
        (fruitVisitor) * factor;

Design Patterns Behavioural


public interface IFruit {
    int Price { get; }
    int Accept(IFruitVisitor fruitVisitor);

public class Cherry : IFruit {
    public int Price { get; } = 75;
    public int Accept(IFruitVisitor fruitVisitor) {
        return fruitVisitor.Apply(this);
public interface IFruitVisitor {
    int Apply(Cherry fruit);
    int Apply(Banana fruit);
    int Apply(Apple fruit);
internal class CherryPromotion : IFruitVisitor {
    private int count;
    public int Apply(Apple fruit) {
        return fruit.Price;
    public int Apply(Banana fruit) {
        return fruit.Price;
    public int Apply(Cherry fruit) {
        var reduction = 0;
        if (count % 2 == 0) {
            reduction = -20;
        return fruit.Price + reduction;


public interface IObservableBasket
    void Register(IBasketObserver observer);
    void Add(IFruit fruit);
public class ObservableBasket : IObservableBasket
    List<IFruit> list = new List<IFruit>();
    private readonly List<IBasketObserver> observers = ...
    public void Register(IBasketObserver observer) {
    public void Add(IFruit fruit) {
    private void Notify(IFruit fruit) {
        foreach (var observer in observers) {
public interface IBasketObserver
    void Notify(IFruit fruit);

class BasketLogger : IBasketObserver
    public void Notify(IFruit fruit)
        ConsoleAdapter.Instance.Write($"Item added : “
        + fruit.GetType().Name);


public class CherryForStrategy : Cherry
    public CherryForStrategy(IPriceStrategy strategy)
        Strategy = strategy;
    public IPriceStrategy Strategy { get; set; }
    public override int Price => Strategy.Apply(base.Price);
public interface IPriceStrategy
    int Apply(int defaultPrice);

public class SecondAtHalfPrice : IPriceStrategy
    private int count;
    public int Apply(int defaultPrice)
        var reduction = 0;
        if (count % 2 == 0)
            reduction = -20;
        return defaultPrice + reduction;

Organize your time

Get Things Done

  1. Capture / collect
  2. Clarify / process
  3. Organize
  4. Reflect / plan
  5. Engage / do


  1. Focus on one task during 25 min
  2. Take a break 5 min
  3. Repeat 3 or 4 times
  4. Take a break 20 min

Eisenhower matrix

Organize your code

Version control system

CVSPer fileClient-server
SVNPer commitClient-server
GITPer commitDistributed

Branching modes

  • How many productions versions ?
  • How many developers ?
  • Which development process ?



Organize your learning

Train yourself

  • Monitory technology
  • Try them : POC
  • Be careful of the silver bullet syndrome

Train with others

  • Coding dojo / Kata
  • Pair programming
  • Code reviews
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