Home SUDE : cours du 28 mai

SUDE : cours du 28 mai


Presentation (4-5 students) to be presented on session 4 - (~10 min per group) and uploaded prior the beginning of the course


Quick presentation

Valérie Schneider:

  • Founded her own company: Valérie Schneider Conseil
  • Lectures at ISEP, ECE, EPITA, SUP RH
  • CSR, Circular Econmy, Green IT
  • Strategy, Business Models, Awareness, Projects

What is the definition of sustainable development ?

“Sustainable development is the development which meets the needs of current generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”

Brundtland report, 1987

What are the key challenges humanity has to face today ?

Proposed by students:

  • Global warming
  • Climate change
  • Waste management
  • Covid19
  • Over consumption

We are more than 7 billions. How many of us will there be in 2050?

  • Challenge #1 : population growth : the population should stabilize at the end of the century, the growth rate is decreasing. In the last 40 years, the population doubled.
  • Challenge #2 : Consumption growth : We are consumming more and more energy, goods, etc. We own more and more goods, want to get the newest technologies and throwing the old devices too often. It is the linear economy

  • Challenge #3 : Limited resources :
    • Global overshoot occurs when humanity’s annual needs exceeds what Earth’s ecosystems can renew in a year. It means we are drawing down the planet’s resources rather than living off its annual interest. It leads to a depletion of Earth’s life-supporting natural capital.
    • Our ecological footprint get bigger and bigger. If everyone lived like we do it France, we would need 3 Earths to feed everyone.
  • Challenge #4 : Global warming : The Greenhouse effect is a natural phenomen, without it there would not be life on Earth. However, because of human activities, we are emitting more gases than necessary (CO2, CH4, etc.).
  • Challenge #5 : Biodiversity : Currently there are more than 91,520 species on the IUCN Red List
    • more than 25,820 are threatened with extinction
    • including 41% of amphibians
    • 34% of conifers
    • 33% of reef building corals
    • 25% of mammals and 13% of birds

Middle East has Oil, China has Rare Earths - Deng Xiaoping, 1992


More than 1 ton of resources is needed to produce a laptop. Precious metals, such as gold, silver, platinum, etc. can be found inside of a computer.

Critical metals:

  • Rare earths : China has more than 60% of rare earths, produce 88% and consume 69% of it. They are used in many electronic appliances, magnets, wind turbines, etc.
  • Cobalt
  • Lithium
  • Nickel

China owns 44% of those metals and is 58% of its demand.

Impact of rare earths extraction / production

  • Environmental impacts
  • Social impacts


  • Open or re-open mines ?
    • Social acceptance
    • Environmental risks
    • ROI?
  • Finding alternatives ?
    • Reduce or do not use rare earths
    • Like tellurium and indium
      • CdTE solar PV

How to combine humanity development and sustainability ?

The importance of biodiversity

  • Aesthetic and scientific value
    • Medical research
    • Traditional and modern medicine
  • Direct economic value
    • Food
    • Clothing
    • Energy

      Sustainable development goals

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