Home SUDE : Les gazs a effet de serre

SUDE : Les gazs a effet de serre

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Introduction to GreenHouse Gases (GHG) emission calculation

What are the main green house gases?

Methodologies to compute GHG emissions

  • GHG protocol (US methodology)
  • ISO 14064-1
  • Bilan Carbone (french methodology)

Designing a carbon footprint

Emission scopes

  • Scope 1 = Direct energy sources
    • Any source activity from an asset controlled by the organization
    • Ex : electricity to light the office
  • Scope 2 = Indirect energy sources
    • Any source activity not controlled by the organization that generates energy used by the organization
    • Ex : a car used by an employee
  • Scope 3 = Other indirect sources
    • Any non-energy related sources not controlled by the organization that impacts the organization

Monitoring Emissions

  • Data collection
  • Data processing
  • Organisation
    • project management
    • people involved
    • etc.

Identify sources

  • Activity that impacts organization’s operation and results in the emission of greenhouse gases
  • Examples
    • Natural gas heating
    • Water use
    • Business travel
    • Air conditionning
    • Waste sent to municipal landfill…

Collect data and define units to use

  • Natural gas heating
    • m3
    • Gj
    • ft3
    • Ccf
  • Electricity
    • kWh
    • Gj

Emission factors

Example - Natural Gas

  • GWP : a ration denoting the effect of a quantity of a greenhouse gas on climate change with an equal quantity of carbon dioxyde usually expressed over a 100 year period
  • Carbon dioxyde always has a GWP of 1
  • Result are expressed in Carbon Dioxyde equivalent (g/kg/t C02e)
Natural GasEmissionGWPt C02e

Implement strategies / actions to reduce

  • Computing is necessary
  • the most important being to understand what to reduce and which actions are needed

GreenIt or Sustainable ICT

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them

Albert Einstein

General statemets - Shift Project 2018

  • Digital consumption as forecast is not sustainable
  • Energy intensity of digital industry is in continuous growth
  • No digital impact foreseen on worldwide productivity nor growth
  • It is still possible to move ot a more sober digital world

Digital energy consumption

In France : Digital Energy Consumption represents $12\%$ of total energy consumption.

GHG emissions : $2,5\%$ in 2013 to $4\%$ in 2020

Example : Iphone

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