Home SUDE : Last session

SUDE : Last session

Lien de la note Hackmd


  • To upload before the presentation tomorrow
  • We can do a video, just make sure it’s available in Teams
  • The difficult part is to find green it actions
  • If people can’t speak during the presentation because of thechnical issues, no problem : others can speak or video

There used to be a club called Club Green IT, good lead for a subject.


  • Put the SDG at the end of the presentation
    • We don’t have to develop them, just do orally the presentation on the first part
  • One sentence per SDG is enough
    • We are not asking for a report, just put bullet points

GHG emissions

What is the point of computing GHG emitted by a company ?

Metal in IT

We have to be careful about metals in IT, some resources are low and the price may rise.

Average computer lifespan

  • 1985 : 10 to 15 years (average lifespan of 10 years), easy to upgrade, fix, reuse and recycle
  • 2007 : lifespan dropped to 2,5 years
    • launch of Windows Vista => most companies had to change equipment because the hardware couldn’t support the new OS versions
    • same problem for MacOS
    • perfect example on how they did not consider that everyone had good enough hardware
  • 2015 : 3 to 15 years (average lifespan of 5 years), impossible to upgrade, fix, reuse or recycle

Impacts on the life cycle

What are the impacts at each stage of the life cycle ?


What are the environmental impacts of the components ?

  • Part of our electronic equipment are mined in unsanitary conditions and uses child labor => confilct minerals
  • pollution
  • high production rates


  • Devices with various energy efficiency

End of life

  • 1,68 millions tons of electronic waste put on the market in 2015
    • 166 times the Eiffel Tower’s weight
  • 75% of electronical waste is out of the official radar
    • sent to illegal landfills (Ghana, Nigeria, China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, South America)


Green IT

IT For Greem

Sustainable design for digital service

What is Eco Design ?

Stages of the life cycle

  1. Raw materials
    • Focus on renewable/recycled materials
    • Volume/weight reduction
  2. Manufacturing
    • Choice of cleaner technologies
    • Reduction of the number of parts and materials
    • Reduction in assembly operations
    • Reduction in production waste and emissions
  3. Distribution
    • Eco-design and packaging
    • Reduction of the weight / volume ratio
    • Logistics optimization
  4. Sales
    • Consideration of the eco-design of POS advertising and other sales support
    • Eco-design of shops
  5. Usage
    • Increase durability (reliability, repair, modularity, etc.)
    • Promotes updates (recharge, etc.)
    • Switch from product to service
    • Shared use og the product
  6. End of life
    • Separable materials
    • Material recovery
    • Component recovery
    • Product recovery (reuse)

Digital Accessibility

Example : Color Blindness

About 8% of men and 0.5% of women worldwide are red-green colorblind.

Green IT Actions

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